
Imaging Science and Shoeprints Open Discussion - Jacqueline Speir, West Virginia University

August 31, 2015
  • Hausdorff distances
  • Shoeprints
  • defects
  • Imaging science
  • Automation
  • Image segmatation
  • Image processing
  • alignment
  • registration
  • background subtraction
  • quality measure
  • similarity metrics
  • RAC maps
The objective for this research is to evaluate the chance coincidental association of randomly acquired characteristics (RACs) on the outsoles of a variety of footwear makes and models. To accomplish this goal, we have developed feature vectors to describe the shape and positional information associated with detected RACs. Once characterized, the features can be mathematical compared to determine similarities in type and position, thereby contributing to the literature on the discrimination potential of footwear evidence.