
Workshop on Mathematical Journals, lec. 17 - On the Exchange of Apples and Ideas: A Brief Overview of Emerging Models for Scholarly Communication

February 15, 2011
  • mathematical policy
  • mathematical publishing
  • open access
  • mathematics and technology
  • peer review process
  • collaborations
  • 97U20
  • 97Uxx
  • 97-xx
In the past few years a number of initiatives have tried to determine whether new models of scholarly communication can more efficiently or more sustainably support or supplement some of the roles currently filled by scholarly journals, and whether scholarly literature can be shared more broadly than it is now. Some of these experiments have been at the institutional level, some at the national level, and some within particular fields. Some have been driven by economic exigencies and others by moral purpose. Yet others have emerged organically from shared practice based on new or more efficient technological possibilities. All will rely on changing norms and expectations among the community of authors and readers, probably more than any other factor. Should we try to stimulate this kind of cultural change, and how? This talk will provide an overview of some recent initiatives and what we can learn from them, and explore some possibilities of what might come next.