
Effective Strategies for Your Job and Internship Search

September 25, 2015
The best advice for internship and job searching is to begin your search early! The process of looking for an opportunity is truly an individualized experience and it can take time to find and engage with employers who have opportunities that excite you the most. Developing and utilizing a network and establishing what is most important to you when it comes to industries, companies, and types of positions will go a long way in helping you have a strategic and purposeful job or internship search. This workshop will discuss strategies for building your network and approaches to help make your job or internship more effective. Whitney has been a Career Counselor in the CSE Career Center at the University of Minnestota since the fall of 2011. Her passions lie in helping students discover their skills and interests, understand how to navigate the career development and job search process, and connecting them to resources and opportunities that will help them be successful. In addition to working in the CSE Career Center, Whitney is President-Elect for the Minnesota College and University Career Services Association (MCUCSA) and Co-Chairs the MCUCSA Communication Committee. She has also served as Chair-Elect and Co-Chair of the Government and Nonprofit Career Fair Committee from 2012-2013 and been in two board positions for the Minnesota College Personnel Association. She received her B.A. in Communication Studies from Gustavus Adolphus College and M.S. in Counseling and Student Personnel from Minnesota State University, Mankato. Away from campus, Whitney enjoys all things Minnesota, including the North Shore, state parks, anything Swedish, and spending time running, biking, hiking, and fishing outdoors with her husband and rescue dog, Charli. Talk Slides Interviewing Guide Internship Job Search Guide Graduate Resume CV Guide