
Non-commutative resolutions #1

September 6, 2012
  • algebraic combinatorics
  • commutative algebra
  • cluster algebra
  • crepant resolution
  • noncommutative algebraic geometry
  • endomorphism ring
  • Cohen-Macaulay modules
  • Gorenstein rings
  • 13F60
  • 13Fxx
  • 13-xx
  • 05-xx
  • 14E15
  • 13H10
  • 13H05
  • 13Hxx
If R is a local Gorenstein ring then a non-commutative crepant resolution for R is a reflexive R-module M such that the endomorphism ring of M is Cohen-Macaulay as an R-module and has finite global dimension. This turns out to be a sensible generalization of the algebraic geometry concept of a crepant resolution of singularities. We will give background on non-commutative resolutions and survey some of the existence / non-existence results.
Supplementary Materials