
Duality in Boij-Soederberg Theory

December 5, 2012
  • algebraic combinatorics
  • commutative algebra
  • Stanley-Reisner rings
  • Boij-Soederberg theory
  • Betti table
  • cohomology table
  • minimal free resolutions
  • Eisenbud-Schreyer functionals
  • 05-XX
  • 05EXX
  • 05E15
  • 05E40
  • 13D02
  • 13D05
  • 13D40
  • 13D22
  • 13Dxx
  • 13-xx
A central idea in Boij-Soederberg theory is that there is a connection between two different refinements of the Hilbert polynomial: the Betti table of free complex on the one hand, and the cohomology table of a coherent sheaf on the other hand. I'll describe a pairing that yields a rich duality of cones involving these two refinements. This is joint work with David Eisenbud.
Supplementary Materials