
Insights into Vortex Mergers from Reduced-Order Model

June 6, 2013
  • Navier-Stokes equations
  • 35Q30
We model various configurations of vortex merger problems for the Navier-Stokes equations using the core growth model for vorticity evolution coupled with the passive particle field and an appropriately chosen time-dependent rotating reference frame. Using the combined tools of analyzing the topology of the streamline patterns along with the careful tracking of passive fields, we highlight the key features of the stages of evolution of vortex merger, pinpointing deficiencies in the low-dimensional model with respect to similar experimental/numerical studies. The model, however, reveals a far richer and delicate sequence of topological bifurcations than has previously been discussed in the literature for this problem, and, at the same time, points the way towards a method of improving the model, which might provide further insight of the merging process, especially in how the vortex merger starts. This is joint work with Eva Kanso, Paul K. Newton and David T. Uminsky.