
Towards an Implementation of the Periodic Table of Finite Elements

October 23, 2014
  • Finite Elements
  • 65M60
The theory of finite element exterior calculus has enabled the arrangement of a wide selection of well-known finite elements into a systematic table: the periodic table of finite elements. Much like the periodic table of chemical elements which clarifies and explains the properties of the chemical elements based on their electron structure, the periodic table of finite elements explains the properties of the finite elements in terms of their mathematical structure. In this talk, I will present an overview of the status of implementations of the periodic table of finite elements, including existing implementations such as the implementation for 1D, 2D and 3D simplices in FEniCS, an existing prototype implementation for simplices in arbitrary dimensions in Python, and a newly initiated project seeking to implement the full periodic table of finite elements in all its generality using functional programming in Haskell.