
Inverse Problems for Shallow Water Bathymetry Using WorldView-2

September 25, 2013
  • Satellites
  • 18E25
DigitalGlobe operates a constellation of earth imaging satellites with the highest commercially available spatial resolution in the industry. WorldView-2, launched in 2009, is the first high-resolution 8-band multispectral commercial satellite, which is capable of collecting up to 1 million square kilometers of 8-band imagery per day. It provides 46 cm panchromatic and 1.85 m multispectral resolution for very detailed imagery. Altogether, these nine bands can be used to determine the water depth in shallow coastal and inland waters, as well as characterize the corresponding benthic habitats at very high resolution. This presentation will introduce this shallow water bathymetry application and describe two inverse problems used in our process – atmospheric compensation and depth retrieval. This is joint work with Grzegorz Miecznik and Fabio Pacifici.