
Quasirandom Processes

March 12, 2012
  • academic jobs
  • professional development
  • mathematical research advertisements
  • job positions
  • interviews
  • tailoring applications
  • probability theory
  • numerical simulations
  • quasirandom processes
  • rotors
  • Markov chains
  • good collaboration
  • 01A80
  • 01A74
  • 01A73
  • 01A72
Probability theory is concerned with regularities in random processes, such as laws of large numbers and limit-shape theorems. Recent work by researchers at the interface between probability and combinatorics shows that many of these regularities apply, sometimes in dramatically heightened form, to quasirandom systems: simple deterministic systems whose microscopic behavior is designed to mimic the average case behavior or random systems. Quasirandom processes often possess a richness of structure not evident in the random processes that inspired them. This talk will address the questions: Where do pictures like the one at come from? And what are they telling us?
Supplementary Materials