
Regular Graded Skew Clifford Algebras that are Twists of Regular Graded Clifford Algebras

January 25, 2013
  • noncommutative algebraic geometry
  • deformation quantization
  • derived categories
  • D-modules
  • resolution of singularities
  • graded algebras
  • twisted algebras
  • Clifford algebras
  • quadratic forms
  • 13D09
  • 13D10
  • 13Dxx
  • 13-xx
  • 14Fxx
  • 14F05
  • 14F10
  • 14A22
We prove that if A is a regular graded skew Clifford algebra and is a twist of a regular graded Clifford algebra B by an automorphism, then the subalgebra of A generated by a certain normalizing sequence of homogeneous degree-two elements is a twist of a polynomial ring by an automorphism, and is a skew polynomial ring. We also present an example that demonstrates that this can fail when A is not a twist of B.