
Semiclassical approaches to the kinetic-energy functionals Ts[ρ] and τ[ρ]

September 5, 2013
Matthias Brack Universität Regensburg Many observables or functions describing a system of N interacting fermions can be separated into smooth and oscillating components. I will briefly discuss two different types of semiclassical (or asymptotic) expansions that can be used for the two components. I review the extended Thomas-Fermi (ETF) expansion of the smooth components and discuss the corresponding functionals Ts[ρ] and τ[ρ] for the smooth kinetic energy. Then I briefly review the periodic orbit theory (POT) for level density and energy, that relates the quantum oscillations to the periodic orbits of the corresponding classical system by means of so-called "trace formulae". In the main part of my talk, I present a recently developed semiclassical theory [1] for the oscillations in spatial densities ρ(r), τ(r), etc. Based upon its results, we can show that the Thomas-Fermi functional τTF[ρ], when used with the exact quantum-mechanical density ρ(r), is able to reproduce the quantum oscillations in the kinetic-energy density τ(r) to a high degree of accuracy. This is due to a "local virial theorem" (LVT) [1,2] that relates kinetic and potential energy densities locally at any point in space and is asymptotically exact in the semiclassical limit ℏ→0. For linear and harmonic potentials, a generalized LVT has been shown to hold asymptotically for the limit N→∞ amongst the exact quantum-mechanical densities ρ(r) and τ(r). [1] J. Roccia, M. Brack and A. Koch, Phys. Rev. E 81, 011118 (2010), and earlier references quoted therein. [2] M. Brack, A. Koch, M. V. N. Murthy and J. Roccia, J. Phys. A 43, 255204 (2010).
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