
Variations on Hochschild cohomology I

January 28, 2013
  • noncommutative algebraic geometry
  • D-modules
  • derived categories
  • deformation quantization
  • Hochschild cohomology
  • resolution of singularities
  • Hochschild-Atiyah-Chern character
  • 14A22
  • 13D09
  • 13D10
  • 14F10
  • 14F05
  • 14Fxx
  • 13D03
  • 13Dxx
  • 13-xx
If D is the derived category of a ring or space, then there is a natural ring homomorphism from Hochschild cohomology to the graded centre of that category, the Hochschild-Atiyah-Chern character. This homomorphism is yet poorly understood and I will discuss what we know and what we want to know, as well as ingredients, such as residues and comparison of Hochschild and Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology, that may help to further our understanding. I will also discuss the stabilized version of this homomorphism into the singularity category of a Gorenstein singularity.