
F-Signature and Relative Hilbert-Kunz Multiplicity

May 8, 2013
  • characteristic p
  • commutative algebra
  • birational algebraic geometry
  • multiplier ideals
  • singularities of varieties
  • F-signature
  • Frobenius invariants
  • cyclic modules
  • 13A35
  • 13A15
  • 13A18
  • 13Axx
  • 13-xx
  • 14-xx
  • 14Exx
  • 14E05
  • 14E15
  • 14E25
  • 14E22
The F-signature and Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of a local ring are among a number of numerical invariants defined via Frobenius in positive characteristic. After introducing these so-called F-invariants, we will sketch a partial answer to a question of Watanabe and Yoshida by showing that the F-signature and relative Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity (for cyclic modules) coincide. The method of proof also suggests a number of generalizations of both invariants that will be described as time allows.
Supplementary Materials