
Determining the regularity of a measure via the Wasserstein distance

August 26, 2013
  • Monge mass transport
  • Monge-Ampere equation
  • optimal transport
  • non-linear PDE
  • Ricci curvature
  • geometric measure theory
  • currents
  • flat measures
  • 32W20
  • 82C70
  • 37Fxx
  • 37Gxx
  • 37-xx
  • 34B10
  • 44A12
  • 46F12
  • 46Fxx
In this talk we will discuss several results with a common theme:" the regularity of a measure is determined by the extent to which the measure can be is approximated by flat measures". This notion of approximation involves the Wasserstein distance, and to some extent is reminiscent of other approximation coefficients which appear in the Geometric Measure Theory literature. These work is joint with J. Azzam and G. David.
Supplementary Materials