
Density Theorems for the Einstein Constraint Equations

September 12, 2013
  • mathematical relativity
  • PDE and relativity
  • differential geometry
  • Lorentzian geometry
  • Lorentzian manifold
  • Einstein equations
  • positive mass theorem
  • 83-XX
  • 83CXX
  • 83C05
  • 83C10
  • 83C20
  • 83C60
  • 83C75
  • 35Qxx
  • 35Q75
  • 35Q76
  • 83C50
  • 83C55
We will start with a beautiful theorem of Corvino and Schoen which says that the asymptotically flat initial data sets with harmonic asymptotics are dense among general initial data sets. Then we will discuss several generalizations of the density theorem and their applications in the positive mass theorem and the constructions relating to the center of mass and angular momentum.
Supplementary Materials