
Local structure of groups and of their classifying spaces

January 30, 2014
  • p-local structure
  • Martino-Priddy conjecture
  • fusion system
  • fusion category
  • classifying space
  • discrete p-toral group
  • 55R40
  • 55R35
  • 55Rxx
  • 22E35
  • 22Exx
  • 22E05
  • 22Exx
This will be a survey talk on the close relationship between the local structure of a nite group or compact Lie group and that of its classifying space. By the p-local structure of a group G, for a prime p, is meant the structure of a Sylow p-subgroup S  G (a maximal p-toral subgroup if G is compact Lie), together with all G-conjugacy relations between elements and subgroups of S. By the p-local structure of the classifying space BG is meant the structure (homotopy properties) of its p-completion BG^p . For example, by a conjecture of Martino and Priddy, now a theorem, two nite groups G and H have equivalent p-local structures if and only if BG^p ' BH^p . This was used, in joint work with Broto and Møller, to prove a general theorem about local equivalences between nite Lie groups  a result for which no purely algebraic proof is known. As another example, these ideas have allowed us to extend the family of p-completed classifying spaces of (nite or compact Lie) groups to a much larger family of spaces which have many of the same very nice homotopy theoretic properties.
Supplementary Materials