
SAMSI Undergraduate Modeling Workshop - Southeastern US Rainfall Working Group Final Presentation

May 25, 2018
Title: Gulf coast rainfall data analysis Description: In this project the group members will play with daily rainfall data collected in Gulf coast (535stations in total) from 1949 to 2017. The purposes of this exercise are to: 1) to give students an idea of a typical example of a climate data set (spatio-temporal data) and some associated scientific questions (e.g. how rainfall extremes vary in space and time and how that might be affected by other things like greenhouse gases or temperatures). 2) to get students familiar with data analysis using R including data manipulation, data visualization, and data summary. 3) to introduce some statistical methods (e.g. time series analysis, spatial statistics, extreme value analysis) to analyze this kind of data to "answer" (perform statistical inference) the questions of interest. Group Members: Lin Ge, Jianan Jang, Jessica Robinson, Erin Song, Seth Temple, Adam Wu