
Aspects of the mod p representation theory of p-adic reductive groups

August 20, 2014
  • locally compact non-Archimedean field
  • residue character p
  • algebraic closures
  • reductive group
  • p-adic fields
  • pro-p Iwahori-Hecke algebra
  • Iwahori-Hecke algebra
  • semisimple buildings
  • 11F85
  • 11Fxx
  • 11Sxx
  • 11S23
  • 17B20
  • 17B15
These lectures will focus on the mod p representation theory of a split p-adic reductive group G, using GL(2) as a running example. We hope to emphasize the differences between the mod p and complex representations of G while keeping in mind that the theory is partly motivated by the mod p and complex local Langlands programs. We will start with remarks regarding finite reductive groups. We will then compare the homological properties of certain categories of mod p and complex representations of G (and the associated pro-p-Iwahori Hecke algebra). In particular, in the complex setting, the theory of coefficient systems on the Bruhat-Tits building by Schneider and Stuhler gives a way to construct explicit projective resolutions. We will explore what remains from this theory in the mod p setting. This will help us describe the first step in the construction of Colmez' functor yielding the mod p local Langlands correspondence for GL(2,Q_p).
Supplementary Materials