
Quantizations of symplectic resolutions, part I

September 4, 2014
  • regular representation of Weyl group
  • convolution operator
  • cohomology of flag varieties
  • cohomology of cotangent bundles
  • BGG category O
  • Steinberg variety
  • 14M15
  • 20F55
  • 20Fxx
  • 58A30
  • 17B10
  • 17B30
  • 17B66
  • 17B67
I will review the construction of the regular representation of the Weyl group via convolution operators on the cohomology of the cotangent bundle of the flag variety, along with the lift of this action to a braid group action on BGG category O. I will then explain how this picture generalizes when the cotangent bundle of the flag variety is replaced by a different symplectic resolution.
Supplementary Materials