
Modular representation theory and the Hecke category

November 20, 2014
  • perverse sheaf
  • parity sheaf
  • decomposition theorem
  • intersection form
  • Hecke category
  • Hodge theory
  • 20C08
  • 20C11
  • 20C20
  • 20Cxx
  • 20-xx
  • 17B20
  • 17B10
  • 17Bxx
The Hecke category is a monoidal category which controls several categories in representation theory. For example, appearances of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials usually point to an action of the Hecke category. I will discuss progress (partly joint with Ben Elias and Xuhua He) and conjectures (joint with Simon Riche) in the representation of reductive algebraic groups in characteristic p, which arise from studying the Hecke category modulo p.
Supplementary Materials