
Introduction to Interlacing Polynomials, Barrier Functions, and Kadison-Singer

March 9, 2015
  • Bourgain-Tzafriri theorem
  • vectors in isotropic position
  • geometric algorithms
  • geometric algebra
  • poset structures with polynomials
  • degree independent bounds on roots of polynomials
  • graph theory algorithms
  • expander graph
  • 68-xx
  • 68W25
  • 68Rxx
  • 11Cxx
  • 11C08
  • 05B35
  • 46N10
  • 52Cxx
  • 52B40
  • 52B35
I will introduce the method of interlacing polynomials and analysis by barrier functions through a proof of the Restricted Inevitability Principle. I will state Weaver's discrepancy-theoretic version of the Kadison-Singer Conjecture, and sketch the role that hyperbolic polynomials play in its proof. If time permits, I will connect these with Ramanujan graphs and the matchings polynomials of graphs.