
The (asymptotic) location of eigenvalues of a representation in the Hitchin component

April 13, 2015
  • Riemann surfaces
  • mapping class groups
  • co-compact group action
  • discrete group of isometries
  • Hausdorff dimension
  • entropy
  • quasi-Fuchsian group
  • 53D18
  • 53Dxx
  • 53-xx
  • 30Fxx
  • 30F25
  • 30F35
  • 30F60
  • 32G15
The Hitchin component is a (special) connected component of the space of homomorphisms of a surface group into $\textrm{PSL}(d,\mathbb{R}).$ This component is a higher rank analogue of the Teichmuller space of the surface. The purpose of the talk is to show that the critical exponent of a Hitchin representation has a rigid upper bound. This is a joint work with Rafael Potrie.
Supplementary Materials