
Finite embeddability of groups and its applications to geometry and topology

December 7, 2016
  • coarse embedding
  • finite embeddability
  • K theory
  • C* algebras
  • amenability
  • a-T-menability
  • fixed point properties
  • hyperbolic groups and generalizations
  • Banach space
  • group cohomology
  • expander graph
  • index theory
  • non-commutative geometry
  • 46L80
  • 58B34
  • 19-xx
  • 20-xx
  • 43-xx
  • 46-xx
  • 57-xx
  • 58-xx
  • 20F65
  • 20J06
  • 43A07
We will introduce the concept of finite embeddability of groups and discuss its applications to non-rigidity of topological manifolds and the moduli space of positive scalar curvature metrics. A certain secondary invariant of elliptic operators plays a crucial role in these applications. This is joint work with Shmuel Weinberger and Zhizhang Xie
Supplementary Materials