
Surface subgroups

August 24, 2016
  • geometric group theory
  • hyperbolic group
  • word hyperbolic, delta hyperbolic
  • word problem
  • surface group
  • virtual Haken conjecture
  • 20F65
  • 20F67
  • 20F05
  • 57M05
  • 57M07
  • 57M12
  • 57Mxx
  • 57-xx
A surface group is the fundamental group of a closed surface of non-positive Euler characteristic. A great deal of recent energy in geometric group theory has focussed on finding surface subgroups in various classes of groups of geometrical interest, especially word-hyperbolic groups. I will survey recent developments, highlights of which include Kahn—Markovic’s solution of the Surface Subgroup conjecture for Kleinian groups and Calegari—Walker’s discovery of surface subgroups in random groups.
Supplementary Materials